".......Here is a very careful pairing of a simple energy-conserving design with sophisticated controls of conventional mechanical equipment......." 

Architectural Record Magazine

(statement by Mr. Hartman a judge in the Owens/Corning Energy Competition)

Project: California Farm Bureau,

Sacramento, California.


".......The engineers, through a combination of mechanical systems' designs, came up with a building which is air conditioned without use of a chiller, even when outside temperatures exceed 100F......" 

ASHRAE Journal

Project: California Farm Bure

Sacramento, California.


"........A building owner who wishes to save energy during the life of a structure frequently pays a high first cost-both for equipment and construction. Syska & Hennessy Engineers specified two-stage evaporative cooling for the new Nevada National Bank Building in Reno. This unusual design, combined with daylighting, cut both equipment and construction costs while it dramatically reduced the structure's overall energy budget. The owner got the best of both worlds......." 

Specifying Engineer Magazine

Project: Nevada National Bank

Reno, Nevada


".....The Monterey Bay Aquarium has extended the frontier of aquarium design and provided an example for others to follow. The design contains numerous innovative solutions to difficult problems......." 

Specifying Engineer Magazine

Project: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey, California


".......The building mechanical system is unusual in that the intricate seawater system is integrated with the building's HVAC system. In solving the condensation problem and to meet the energy conservation goals, Syska & Hennessy came up with an air conditioning system which was less costly initially than a ventilating system, and costs less to operate......." 

Outlook Magazine

Project: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey, California


"........The aquarium's mechanical systems continue to function extremely well. Everyone involved at your firm should feel proud of a job well done....." 

Julie Packard, Executive Director

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Project: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey, California


"........Engineer Shlomo Rosenfeld, of Shlomo I. Rosenfeld & Associates of San Francisco, has a theory of the 'use of the available.' His theory aims to provide a comfortable environment and highly energy-efficient buildings with reasonable expenditures for energy conservation systems....." 

The Construction Specifier Magazine


".......Shlomo, A terrific piece of engineering and a fine article...” 

Arnold Windman, past president of Syska & Hennessy

Re. Evaporative Cooling Below the Wet-Bulb Temperature

Article, HPAC Magazine


"........On behalf of the City of Oakland, I am writing to thank you for your assistance as a consultant/ expert witness in the above case. Based in large measure on your original analysis of the deficiencies in the Museum's climate control system, the defense agreed to pay $750,000 to settle the case....." 

Robert J. Graham

Assistant to the City Attorney

Project: Oakland Museum, Oakland, California


"........W. went from demanding $2,300,000 plus their retention to accepting $505,000 plus their retention. ...W.’s swing came largely as a result of the presentation made by Shlomo Rosenfeld on the seismic bracing issue."

Michael L. Marx

Attorney at Law, San Francisco, California


“…Thanks so much for your assistance on this case! Your report was very detailed and easy to read.” 

Julie A. Baker, Enforcement Analyst

California Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors


"........The point you've made in your articles over the past three Septembers are most important, and I'm sure our readers appreciate your insights. Thank you for sharing them......" 

Robert T. Korte, Editor

Heating Piping Air Conditioning Magazine


"........Economy and use of the available resulted in a building system design that conserves 63 percent for domestic hot water energy and 74 percent for HVAC energy as compared to conventional design........" 

Buildings - The Facilities Construction and Management Magazine

Project: California Farm Bureau, Sacramento, California.


"........Though not particularly glamorous, the Mare Island Shipyard Pipe and Boiler Shop is an important project which required the best efforts of the architects and engineers who designed it. The structure serves the people who protect our national security. Its designers had to exercise considerable ingenuity to meet several tough specs. They did this while protecting human health, providing an efficient work environment, and minimizing energy use. You can't ask much more than that....." 

Specifying Engineer Magazine

Project: Nuclear Submarin Pipe and Boiler Shop,

Mare Island, California


".......Proto-typical design concepts developed by the Vacaville team can be of use in other prisons because they are workable, economical and incorporate state-of-the-art design and construction solutions........" 

Specifying Engineer Magazine

Project: California State Prison

Solano County, Vacaville, California


"........Congratulations on turning in one of the top-rated sessions of the 'Special Purpose Facilities' conference last month in San Francisco. You obviously did a first rate job, and the audiences appreciated it!....."

Steve L. Westfall, President, Tradeline, Inc.

Forum on Business & Technology

Project: Keck Laboratory, Stanford University, California



            “Thanks, Shlomo. And thanks for your help in general -- without your help we would not have gotten much of any recovery from… …or from the developer on the issue.”

                                                            Dan Rottinghaus, Berding – Weil

                                                            Attorney at Law, Walnut Creek, CA


“I have recommended you because of your excellent work in previous matters.“


Christopher H. Alonzi

Senior Counsel

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc


“I appreciate all the great work you’ve done on my cases over the years. I can honestly say that when a Mechanical / HVAC issue arises, I always recommend you and unequivocally advise my clients that they will not find a better expert witness in the U.S.”

Eric Phillips

Attorney at Law, Oakland, CA


"It was a pleasure working with you on these cases and (thanks to your and others' hard work) the results were fantastic." 

Glen Fichman

UCLA Campus Counsel