Welcome to my web page.

This webpage is dedicated to my work and life.  Here I plan to share my professional and personal journies.  Thank you for visiting my site.



The January 1991 sale of Syska & Hennessy's San Francisco office created an excellent opportunity for the firm's Vice President and Corporate Chief of Design, Shlomo Rosenfeld, to start his own consulting engineering firm.  In its twenty second year, the mechanical engineering firm, SHLOMO I. ROSENFELD & ASSOCIATES provides professional consulting engineering services for:

  • Mechanical HVAC design focusing on energy efficient HVAC systems and improving indoor environment
  • Mechanical design peer review and
  • litigation consulting related to HVAC construction disputes, design disputes and HVAC post construction performance disputes.

"Shlomo was Syska & Hennessy's chief mechanical engineer in the San Francisco office for ten years (1977-1987) and contributed greatly to the impressive engineering achievements of this office which include several national and local engineering excellence awards" said Art Zigas who as Senior Vice President directed the Syska & Hennessy's San Francisco office from 1977 to 1989.

"In 1987 Shlomo was promoted to the position of CORPORATE CHIEF OF DESIGN for Syska & Hennessy (500 engineering staff) nation wide.  His role was to participate in conceptual design of selected projects in all of Syska & Hennessy's offices, chair the Engineering Committee, establish guidelines and standards, and disseminate the best of Syska & Hennessy work among all the offices" said Chris Richmond past President of Syska & Hennessy.  Rosenfeld kept his residence in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 40 years but as the Corporate Chief of Design he traveled a great deal.

Shlomo served (1987-1997) on the State of California Hospital Building Safety Board which oversees the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD).  OSHPD is in charge of developing and enforcing codes and plan checking of all healthcare facilities in California.  Shlomo was the Chairman of the Mechanical/Electrical Committee of this board and continues to consult OSHPD in editing Code changes.

Shlomo continues to innovate and also found the time to give lectures and write articles on the subjects of energy conservation HVAC design, indoor air quality HVAC design, healthcare facilities design and mechanical systems design.  Shlomo continues to participate in Mechanical Code and ASHRAE Standard reviews and updates.