
+ Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature

“In the evaporative cooling process, the temperature of the cooled media leaving the evaporative cooling process is limited by the ambient air WB temperature.  This limit has challenged HVAC engineers for years.  This article describes how we overcame the problem…”

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    Response: richard goozh
    Shlomo Rosenfeld - Work - + Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature
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    Shlomo Rosenfeld - Work - + Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature
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    Shlomo Rosenfeld - Work - + Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature
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    Shlomo Rosenfeld - Work - + Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature
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    Shlomo Rosenfeld - Work - + Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature
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    Shlomo Rosenfeld - Work - Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature
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    Shlomo Rosenfeld - Work - + Evaporative cooling below the ambient wet-bulb temperature
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