
+ Worker productivity – Hidden HVAC Cost (rent + vacancy v. initial cost + energy saving)

“Many types of equipment and systems are available in the HVAC field, and with few exceptions, the requirements of any commercial building can potentially be met by several of these.  All types of equipment purport to achieve predetermined results; however, as pointed out in an old ASHRAE handbook, not all claims have been matched by actual performance, nor have users always received what they thought they were getting.  In many cases, the main objective – improvement of tenant (user/employee) productivity – is forgotten in an attempt to gain construction or operating cost savings.”


+ Worker productivity – Hidden HVAC Cost (productivity v. energy saving)


+ Indoor air quality – 16 years after the energy crisis

When considering energy conscious design, it is important to remember that the primary objective of any commercial building system is to provide an environment that will foster tenant productivity and, ultimately the profitability of the business conducted inside.”  “Energy and IAQ conscious design cannot be achieved by engineers alone, it requires teamwork among the owner, the user, the real-estate professional, as well as the architect and the engineer.”


+ Engineering for high tech

“Systems for high-tech facilities should be designed and planned as an integrated part of the project from the beginning.  We should keep in mind that the bitterness of poor design lingers long after the saving a few design dollars is forgotten.”


+ Indoor air quality versus energy conservation

Energy conservation and IAQ should be integrated into projects as two ingridients of the same recipe, either one by itself cannot produce the desired taste.  Remember that the bitterness of poor IAQ lingers long after the sweetness of energy savings is forgotten.”