
+ Worker productivity – Hidden HVAC Cost (productivity v. HVAC initial cost)

“The relationship between worker productivity and initial system cost must be taken into consideration when selecting an HVAC system”


+ Engineering achievement merit award - locking in energy costs for california prisons

"...focuses on energycobservation, ease of maintenance, flexibility, cost effectiveness,and innovative solutions to prison requirements."


+ PG&E energy expo - innovative energy concious hvac design - case studies

Energy conservation in buildings is associated normally with additional initial cost.  The ‘use of the available’ weather, techniques, components, adopted for energy conservation duties, contributed to achieve lower initial as well as lower energy/operating cost.


+ Award-winning hospital to vie for national prize

“This award from the California Energy Commission is the latest in a series of awards…”  “After numerous analyses, it was determined that a VAV system using 100% outside air, combined with an exhaust system with heat recovery, not only was energy efficient, but lower in first cost.”


+ M/E engineering achievenent award - nevada bank gets the best of both worlds

Central two stage evaporative cooling with unique air distribution system combined with passive daylighting scheme reduces initial cost as well as operating cost - the best of both worlds.  Air distribution is handled by an interior VAV system and perimeter constant volume system.  The perimeter system is sized to handle only the building heat losses or gains.  Only the perimeter transmission load changes phase from loss to gain – all other loads in the building occupied zones are gains.